Hele foråret 2010 var verdens opmærksomhed retttet mod Island. En stor askesky truede flytrafikken i det meste af Europa.
Det var ekstra nervepirrende for dem, der havde sikret sig et startnummer til Laugarvegur Ultramarathon. På satellitfoto kunne man se, at målområdet var oversvømmet. Men det tog de lokale arrangører meget meget stille og roligt. Se bare løbets hjemmeside få uger før:

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Laugavegur Ultra Marathon 2010

Miðvikudagur, 16. júní 2010 18:06

After careful consideration it has been decided to go on with the Laugavegur ultra marathon as originally planned on July 17th, despite volcanic ash which covers the route.

Race staff has inspected the last part of the route which was most heavily affected. Conditions were judged good enough to carry on with the race plan especially when taken into account that conditions will almost certainly improve in the coming month. In dry weather, conditions can be difficult. Dust can in that case be airborne from runners on the path or if the wind is strong it can be blown up from the surrounding area and form a dust storm. As this dust is directly originated from volcano activity it can be more harmful to breathe in than normal dust. People with asthma are especially sensitive to this kind of dust.

In the case of dry weather the days before the race and strong wind on race day it is likely that the race will be cancelled. In that case registered runners will be granted priority registration in 2011. Cancelation rules apply regardless of all this. If registered runners cancel their registration before July 1st, half the registration fee will be refunded.

In the time up to the race staff will monitor the route extra carefully, especially during the week before the race. By doing so it is hoped that runners can be informed in reasonable detail about the conditions on the route.